

This environnement is installed on :


Since 2014, Joyo is used by the IPMC's functionnal genomics platform to perform primary analyses of the sequencing projects. However, Joyo will soon be replaced for tasks requiring computing power.

Configuration : Joyo is a computer cluster of 12 CPU nodes (20 cores, 64Gb RAM).

Guidelines :



Azzurra is the Université Côte d'Azur’s HPC cluster, launched in early 2020. Azzurra aims to provide research laboratories and students throughout the University with a high quality and flexible computing platform offering high level intensive computing possibilities (CPU and GPU) and high performance storage space.

Configuration : Azzurra has 48 CPU nodes (40 cores, 256Gb RAM) and 3 GPU nodes (4 Nvidia Tesla V100 40Gb)

Guidelines : To be granted for access on the computing grid, you can contact directly Maeva Antoine, admin of Azzurra. You will need to fill the forms accessible here: https://calculs.univ-cotedazur.fr/?page_id=1140